Ayr Ontario firefighters were toned out for a house fire at 1221 Industrial road at 3:52 am on January 29. Cambridge dispatch advised responding units that the house was well involved and all occupants were out. Ayr Car 2 requested New Dundee and Box 690 Canteen while enroute. Ayr responded with two pumpers, two tankers, and their rescue.
Car 2 arrived on scene with heavy fire in the middle of the large bungalow. P4 pulled into the driveway of the house and stretched lines to the front and rear while P1 setup for relay pumping form port-a-tanks out on the road. Cambridge’s tanker was also requested at this time.
New Dundee Pump 21 setup at a nearby reservoir and filled tankers. The temperature was a frigid -35 F with light winds. The large bungalow had a shake roof. The fire quickly spread through the house. Kitchener’s tanker was requested as the fifth tanker. P1 froze up early in the fire. Cambridge’s tanker replaced the pumper until portable pumps could be set up to feed P4. By this point most of the tankers inlets were frozen and tankers had to be filled from the top. Command requested Kitchener P5 to the scene to act as the relay pumper. The pumper is fully enclosed and had no issues with freezing up. The fire was declared under control by 10:00. Damage was pegged at $700,000.
Gary Dinkel

This was shot 45 minutes after arrival. Gary Dinkel photo

Rear roof has collapsed, all fire fighting was defensive at this time. Gary Dinkel photo

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Rear of house. Gary Dinkel photo

Ayrs Pierce pumper in driveway. Gary Dinkel photo

Cambridge tanker relay pumping from road. Gary Dinkel photo

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Portable pumps being used to feed P4. Both Ayr tankers dumping their 2,500 Imperial gallon (3,000 US gallon) loads. Gary Dinkel photo

Kitchener P5 setting up to relay pump. Gary Dinkel photo

Box 690. Gary Dinkel photo

Kitchener’s KME 2,100 imperial (2,500 US) tanker, New Dundee Tank 25, Spartan ERV 2,500 imperial (3,000 US). Gary Dinkel photo

New Dundee Tank 25. Gary Dinkel photo

Ayr’s Pierce pumper. Gary Dinkel photo

Gary Dinkel photo