Photos from the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, IL – March 22, 2022 by multiple photographers

Photos from the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, IL – March 22, 2022 by multiple photographers
Chicago firefighters battled a 3-11 Alarm fire in a commercial building with a bow-string truss roof at 3040 W. Lawrence Avenue late morning and into the afternoon on Tuesday 3/22/22.
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At 23:56, Thursday evening 17-March, Colleton County (SC) Fire-Rescue units were sent to the 100 block of Gadsden Loop for a structure fire with entrapment. On arrival, Car 118 found a single-story brick veneer dwelling well-involved with fire coming from the roof, front windows, and door. A 24-year-old occupant advised she was on the front porch when she heard a loud pop inside the home. When she went to investigate, the power was off and she found smoke banked about four feet from the floor. She made an attempt to reach a 59-year-old female in a back bedroom, but was driven out by the heat and smoke. She ran down the street to get help and she returned with her uncle. The two attempted a second time to reach the woman inside but were unsuccessful due to the increased fire and smoke. They broke some windows, then alerted 9-1-1.
Firefighter-paramedics arrived six minutes after the dispatch. A Sheriff’s deputy had spoken to the occupants and verified the location of the woman. He directed firefighters to a front bedroom. Crews deployed multiple handlines to the building and placed a ladder in the bedroom window. They entered the bedroom to search for the woman when the bedroom flashed over with fire blowing out of both windows. Firefighters narrowly escaped by diving out of a window.
Two firefighters suffered non-life threatening burns. Crews worked for about 30 minutes to contain the blaze. They located the woman in a front bedroom, and she had no signs of life. The Coroner’s Office was contacted. The 24-year-old woman was treated by firefighter-paramedics for smoke inhalation and was transported by Fire-Rescue Medic 26 to Colleton Medical Center.
Fire units were on the scene for 4 hours. The cause of the fire appeared to be electrical in nature. The occupants advised the home had electrical issues and Fire-Rescue had responded to the location for electrical problems in the past. Although the home was heavily damaged in the fire, two rooms were saved with little damage to the contents. The Red Cross is assisting the family.
Engine 1, Engine 19, Engine 27, Tender 1, Tender 19, Tender 26, Medic 1, Medic 19, Medic 26, Rescue 1, Battalion 1, Car 103, Car 112, and Car 118 responded. Battalion Chief Brent Dalton served as Incident Commander.
Barry W. McRoy
Fire Chief, Colleton County Fire-Rescue
Milwaukee (WI) firefighters extinguished a house fire early Monday (3/14/22) morning near North 21st Street & Wright Street. While a neighboring home also caught on fire, no injuries were reported at the scene.
Asher Heimermann
A Prairie Lane residence in Colleton County SC, was destroyed in an evening fire Monday night 14-March at 20:45. The homeowner advised he’d heard noises and opened the back door to find the rear porch engulfed in flames. He was able to get the family safely out of the home and notify 9-1-1.
Colleton County Fire-Rescue Car 103 arrived to find the single-family dwelling fully involved, with the roof already collapsed in the center. Engine 19 deployed multiple handlines and used the deck gun on the fire. Firefighters had the blaze under control in about 30 minutes, but were on the scene for three and half hours performing overhaul. Water supply was handled with renders.
Two vehicles parked near the home were damaged, and two rooms on the north end of the building were left standing, but the interior of the rooms were gutted. The remainder of the home was destroyed and the family lost all of their belongings. The Red Cross is assisting the family. The cause of the fire appears to be electrical in nature. No one was injured.
Engine 9, Engine 19, Engine 26, Tender 5, Tender 9, Tender 19, Tender 26, Tender 27, Medic 9, Medic 19, Battalion 1, Car 103, Car 112, and Car 118 responded. Captain Roger Johnston served as Incident Commander.
Barry W. McRoy
Fire Chief, Colleton County Fire-Rescue
Lisle – Woodridge FPD (IL) Box Alarm
Heavy fire and smoke were showing on arrival, crews went defensive for a little while and Tower 51 was setup to use their master stream.
More photos are HERE
Grand Rapids (MI) firefighters were dispatched to a commercial structure fire on the 400 block of Henry SE. Crews arrived with heavy smoke showing and found fire throughout the second floor. They attempted an interior attack but soon were pulled out and went defensive. Several hand lines and master streams were used to bring the fire under control. Multiple collapses occurred on around the structure.
Assignment E2, 10, and 11, Rescues 1 and 2, Platform 2, and Car 5. 2nd Alarm Engine 3, 4, and 5, Truck 3, Ladder 4, ADV 7, Cars 2, 6, and 20.