A passing motorist reported a home burning Friday evening 22-May at 3541 Azalea Patch Road. At 22:15, the first caller to Colleton County (SC) 9-1-1 advised the home was well-involved with flames coming through the roof. Firefighters arrived minutes later to find the ranch-style home approximately 80 percent involved and most of the roof had already collapsed. A large workshop behind the home was being threatened.
First arriving units requested a second alarm and directed Engine 4 to set up a water shuttle operation at a dry hydrant located ½ mile north of the incident. Crews used a deck gun, two 2-1/2” handlines and four 1-3/4” handlines to combat the fire, as well as protect the exposure.
Firefighters had the bulk of the fire knocked down within twenty minutes, but remained on the scene performing overhaul for four hours. The unintentional fire appears to have started in an upstairs room and had been burning for some time before the motorist saw the flames. No one was at home when the fire occurred. Four dogs in the back yard were not injured.
Engine 1, Engine 4, Engine 10, Engine 18, Engine 31, Tender 1, Tender 4, Tender 13, Tender 15, Tender 26, Tender 90, Medic 13, Medic 18, Medic 26, Battalion 1 and Car 105 responded. Battalion Chief Dan Barb served as Incident Commander.
Photos by Harold Buzzell
Barry W. McRoy, Fire Chief

Harold Buzzell photo

Harold Buzzell photo

Harold Buzzell photo

Harold Buzzell photo

Harold Buzzell photo