SAFD || WORKING STRUCTURE FIRE || Saturday morning (11/19/16) right at shift change, units of the 2nd Battalion were alerted to a possible structure fire in the 5500 blk of Aspen Valley Dr on the city’s Southwest side. Engine Company 25 arrived on scene to find a one-story residential structure with very heavy fire and smoke coming from the garage. A quick attack on the fire kept it from spreading to the rest of the house.
Engine 36 and Truck 36 arrived on scene and secured a water supply, cut utilities, pulled additional handlines, and started the primary search as additional units were arriving. An additional engine, ladder, and medic were requested due to the possibility of the homeowners still being inside [per neighbors]. Battalion Chief 2 assumed command on arrival and ordered all companies out of the structure a short time later. They went defensive due to the amount of fire after finding out the homeowners were safe in a neighbors house.
Crews were able to knock down the bulk of the fire in the garage and transitioned into an offensive attack extinguishing the fire in the garage and the attic while finishing the primary search. The fire was declared out and under conrrol a short while later with an extensive overhaul ahead of them. Companies on the Box were EN25, EN36, EN44, EN33, TK36, TK33, M25, M[spare], EMSO-02, BC02, and MAC41.
A doublewide mobile home received heavy damage during an afternoon fire at 488 Jessie Lane Tuesday afternoon 15-November. At 15:20, a neighbor reported flames coming from the roof of the residence which is located at the end of rural cul-de-sac. Colleton County (SC) Fire-Rescue Engine 9 arrived to find the building approximately 25% involved.
Firefighter-Paramedics deployed multiple handlines and made entry through the front door. They found a dog inside the home and rescued the animal, bringing him safely outside. The roof on the east side of the building had already burned away, but crews were able to quickly stop the advance of the flames containing most of the damage to the bedrooms on the east end of the structure. The remainder of the home was saved, but suffered smoke damage. Crews were on the scene for three hours. Water supply was conducted with tenders. The cause of the fire appears to be suspicious and is under investigation by the Sheriff’s Office.
Engine 9, Engine 27, Tender 2, Tender 5, Tender 9, Tender 19, Tender 27, Tender 36, Medic 9, Medic 26, Battalion 1, Car 12, Car 107 and Car 118 responded. Chief McRoy served as Incident Commander.
Barry W. McRoy, Fire Chief, Colleton County Fire-Rescue
|| SAFD || Working Commercial Fire || Wednesday morning (11/16) at approx. 0512hrs, crews of the 1st Battalion were dispatched to the 2100 blk of N. St Mary’s Street for a reported structure fire, just north of downtown. Engine Co. 4 arrived to heavy fire and smoke through the roof of a one-story restaurant/bar with exposure problems on the Bravo/Charlie and Charlie/Delta corners. There were two condominium complexes under construction and in very close proximity to the fire building.
Command quickly requested an additional ladder due to the possibility of using aerial master streams for the amount of fire they were dealing with plus the exposure issue. First-due companies made quick work of the bulk of the fire with multiple red lines, pre-connects, and a 2.5′ line on the Charlie side. They battled the fire for over an hour, going defensive for a brief time to knock down a large amount of fire on the outside of the Bravo side of the building. Crews remained on scene for well over 3 hours doing mop-up and overhaul operation.
The arson team, and K-9 dogs were called to the scene as the fire is currently under investigation. It was deemed suspious in nature. Crews on the Box were EN04, EN06, EN01, EN03, PL01, PL11, TK06, M06, EMSC01, FSO01, BC01, MAC39, and the Shift Commander.
Kitchener (ON) fire dispatch received multiple calls for black smoke coming out of an abandoned building at 755 King Street East November 17, 2016 at 7:31. The building was formerly a used car dealership, and is just a block east of last week’s bar fire. Pump 2 could see the smoke as they got near the scene and requested an additional pumper. P2 firefighters pulled two 2.5” lines to attack the fire. A large pile of tires was burning in the front of the structure. The fire was knocked down in 25 minutes. Box 690 provided rehab.
Colleton County (SC) Fire-Rescue units were sent to 304 Carolina Circle north of Walterboro, Wednesday morning 16-November at 03:02. Engine 19 arrived to find a single-story residential dwelling with flames visible from the roof. All occupants had safely exited the structure. Firefighter-Paramedics deployed multiple handlines to combat the fire which was burning throughout the attic. Crews pulled the ceilings in several rooms to reach the flames. It appeared the fire originated in the chimney and spread to the attic. The electrical service line burned through and fell from the home. When the power went off, the occupants were awakened and discovered the fire which had already burned through a portion of the roof and they alerted 9-1-1.
Firefighters worked for about 20 minutes to bring the fire under control, but were on the scene for three hours. Most of the fire damage was contained to the attic and roof, however the remainder of the home suffered water and smoke damage. Many personal items were saved. Water supply was handled with Tenders.
Engine 19, Engine 26, Tender 1, Tender 5, Tender 19, Tender 26, Medic 1, Medic 19, Medic 26, Battalion 1, Car 12, Car 107, Car 110 and Car 118 responded. Battalion Chief Scott O’Quinn served as Incident Commander.
Barry W. McRoy, Fire Chief, Colleton County Fire-Rescue
A doublewide mobile home was heavily damaged in an early morning fire at 519 Fourth Street Saturday morning 12-November. Colleton County (SC) Engine 19 arrived at 01:33 to find the residence approximately 70% involved. Firefighter-Paramedics deployed multiple handlines to combat the fire and quickly knocked the flames. Most of the roof and floor on the rear unit had burned away. The home was found to be vacant and the fire appeared to be intentionally set. Firefighters were on the scene for three hours. Arson investigators from Fire-Rescue, State Police (SLED) and the Sheriff’s Office are working the case.
Engine 19, Engine 24, Tender 1, Tender 19, Medic 1, Medic 19, Battalion 1, and Car 12 responded. Battalion Chief Ben Heape served as Incident Commander.
Barry W. McRoy, Fire Chief, Colleton County Fire-Rescue