firefighters rescue dog from house fire

All posts tagged firefighters rescue dog from house fire

At 11:40 Sunday morning 15-December, a US Postal employee delivering packages saw smoke coming from the roof and windows of a home in the 200 block of Gadsden Loop in Colleton County SC. She immediately notified the Sheriff’s Office.

Colleton County (SC) Fire-Rescue Engine 1 arrived minutes later to find smoke coming from the roof and eaves of the single-story, brick veneer structure. Firefighter-Paramedics forced open the front door and entered with one handline. They found the kitchen on fire with extension into the attic. A second handline was deployed to the rear of the house. Crews quickly had the fire under control.; #ColletonCountyFR; #firescene; #firefighters;
Barry McRoy photo

While searching the home for any occupants, they found three unconscious large pit bulls. Firefighters rescued the animals and brought them to the front yard where they began resuscitative efforts on the animals, using Fido Bags which are carried on all Colleton County Fire-Rescue ambulances. The Fido Bags contain specialized equipment to administer care to canines during times of emergency. Two of the animals responded to the care and after about 30 minutes regained consciousness. Within 45 minutes, the two surviving dogs were able to stand on their own.; #ColletonCountyFR; #firescene; #firefighters; #FidoBag; #dogrescue;
Barry McRoy photo

Sadly the third dog did not survive, but a fourth, very small dog was discovered alive during overhaul operations. This dog did not appear to have suffered any ill effects from the fire. All of the dogs were turned over to Animal Services officers. The home suffered heat and smoke damage. The fire was contained to the area of the kitchen and the attic above the kitchen. Most personal items and the remainder of the home was saved but received smoke damage. The fire started on the stove. No one was at home when the fire occurred. Units were on the scene for two hours.; #ColletonCountyFR; #firescene; #firefighters; #dogrescue;
Barry McRoy photo

Postal workers find many fires while in the performance of their duties. In addition to delivering our mail, they are in our neighborhoods daily and are able to report things that are not normal. The actions of this carrier resulted in saving three dogs and prevented the destruction of the home.; #ColletonCountyFR; #firescene; #firefighters; #FidoBag; #dogrescue;
Barry McRoy photo

Engine 1, Engine 19, Engine 27, Tender 1, Tender 6, Tender 19, Tender 26, Tender 27, Medic 1, Medic 6, Battalion 1 and Car 104 responded. Battalion Chief Brent Dalton served as Incident Commander. 

Barry W. McRoy‘ Fire Chief – Colleton County Fire-Rescue

A doublewide mobile home received heavy damage during an afternoon fire at 488 Jessie Lane Tuesday afternoon 15-November. At 15:20, a neighbor reported flames coming from the roof of the residence which is located at the end of rural cul-de-sac. Colleton County (SC) Fire-Rescue Engine 9 arrived to find the building approximately 25% involved.

Firefighter-Paramedics deployed multiple handlines and made entry through the front door. They found a dog inside the home and rescued the animal, bringing him safely outside. The roof on the east side of the building had already burned away, but crews were able to quickly stop the advance of the flames containing most of the damage to the bedrooms on the east end of the structure. The remainder of the home was saved, but suffered smoke damage. Crews were on the scene for three hours. Water supply was conducted with tenders.  The cause of the fire appears to be suspicious and is under investigation by the Sheriff’s Office.

Engine 9, Engine 27, Tender 2, Tender 5, Tender 9, Tender 19, Tender 27, Tender 36, Medic 9, Medic 26, Battalion 1, Car 12, Car 107 and Car 118 responded. Chief McRoy served as Incident Commander.

Barry W. McRoy, Fire Chief, Colleton County Fire-Rescue

Colleton County fire engine at house fire

Barry W. McRoy photo

Firefighters battle doublewide trailer fire

Barry W. McRoy photo

Firefighters rescue dog from house fire

Harold Buzzell photo

aftermath of doublewide trailer fire

Barry W. McRoy photo

Montgomery County Fire & Rescue units from the 3rd and 4th battalions were alerted to the house fire on Paul Drive in Rockville towards the tail end of the evening rush hour on Friday.  First arriving units reported the working fire with fire showing from the 2nd floor.  The working fire dispatch was sounded, followed quickly by the RIT alert/alarm.

Firefighters from Rockville companies 3, 23 and 33; Kensington Company 5; and 25; and Rescue 2 (Wheaton) battled the fire.  Firefighters rescued a puppy from the house and the dog was quickly returned to its owner, shaken but unharmed.

Chiefs 5 and 703 had command.


Trevor James

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