Mayday alert at fire scene
All posts tagged Mayday alert at fire scene
New Haven 3rd alarm 55 Benton St. dwelling fire
01/05/20 New Haven, CT – A reported basement fire in the city’s Westville section turned out firefighters just before eight p.m. Engine 15 arrived reporting smoke showing from a 1 1/2-story private dwelling. As companies began their operations, they were soon hampered by Collyers Mansion conditions in the basement. Companies tried to make a push, but were unable to gain headway on the fire. A second alarm was transmitted as a heavy smoke condition pushed from the entire dwelling. Companies were withdrawn from the dwelling to regroup with a new attack. Members of Rescue 1 soon reported they were trying to make a push in the basement, but had fire over their heads. Chief of Department Alston immediately ordered the emergency evacuation of the basement. Several members narrowly escaped the flash over-like conditions in the basement as maydays were transmitted. A third alarm was transmitted on the box as members were now ordered to go to defensive operations. The fire soon took hold of the first floor and extended throughout. Multiple hand lines worked for more than two hours to bring the fire under control. One firefighter and one civilian were transported to local hospitals. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Glenn Duda, CFPA
several shots are of the mayday as it happened
The Town of Sheboygan, Wisconsin Fire Department was dispatched to a house fire Thursday (Christmas Eve morning) at 4:51 AM at W2069 Woodland Road. A person reported seeing flames in the garage. When firefighters arrived on scene, they reported seeing the structure fully engulfed in flames.
The garage and attached house are a total loss. A mayday was called at the fire scene and a firefighter was taken from the scene to Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center for unknown injuries.
A second alarm was called and fire departments from City of Sheboygan, Town of Sheboygan Falls, City of Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Kohler, Haven and Town of Wilson responded to the scene to assist the Town of Sheboygan Fire Department as well as Orange Cross Ambulance, the Sheboygan County Fire Investigation Unit and Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Office.
Wind gusts were around 40 mph at the time of the fire.
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Asher Heimermann

Asher Heimermann photo

Asher Heimermann photo

Asher Heimermann photo
Video by Vito Maggiolo – DCFD Working Fire Dispatch at 2711 Georgia Ave NW, 12/4/15 – Fire in a three-story, vacant apartment building. Mayday was declared for a firefighter that fell through a floor. He was removed quickly with non life threatening injuries.
Images from Tim Olk of a 3-Alarm fire (1/9/15) in Evanston, IL at 2519 Harrison. There were workers in the house at the time of the fire. Several hours into the fire, a Mayday Alert was issued for an Evanston firefighter. He was recovered quickly and transported to the hospital.

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo