The Town of Sheboygan, Wisconsin Fire Department was dispatched to a house fire Thursday (Christmas Eve morning) at 4:51 AM at W2069 Woodland Road. A person reported seeing flames in the garage. When firefighters arrived on scene, they reported seeing the structure fully engulfed in flames.
The garage and attached house are a total loss. A mayday was called at the fire scene and a firefighter was taken from the scene to Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center for unknown injuries.
A second alarm was called and fire departments from City of Sheboygan, Town of Sheboygan Falls, City of Sheboygan Falls, Howards Grove, Kohler, Haven and Town of Wilson responded to the scene to assist the Town of Sheboygan Fire Department as well as Orange Cross Ambulance, the Sheboygan County Fire Investigation Unit and Sheboygan County Sheriff’s Office.
Wind gusts were around 40 mph at the time of the fire.
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Asher Heimermann

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