Was riding with ENG. 29 in the French Quarter overnight (3/8/16). We were sent around 0030 on a single engine investigation for smoke coming from the area of the Algiers Ferry Wharf. Came out the door and streets were blanketed in smoke. Found this storage area in the rear of a restaurant on the river fully involved.
Heavy fire and water supply issues were challenges overcome by firefighters battling a Logan Circle neighborhood blaze on Wednesday night, February 3rd.
The fire took place around 9:30 PM at the Claridge House Apartments, 1221 M Street NW, a seven story occupied building that has been the scene of a number of fires over the years.
Flames had possession of a fifth floor apartment when the box assignment arrived. Problems with the standpipe resulted in low water pressure in the first attack line. Secondary lines were dropped out of windows from the fire floor to bypass the failed standpipe, while another line stretched from a different riser, and the blaze was knocked down.
One firefighter suffered minor injuries and was taken to the hospital. Several civilians were also treated at the scene. All searches proved negative.
Video by Vito Maggiolo – DCFD Working Fire Dispatch at 2711 Georgia Ave NW, 12/4/15 – Fire in a three-story, vacant apartment building. Mayday was declared for a firefighter that fell through a floor. He was removed quickly with non life threatening injuries.
Video by Vito Maggiolo – DCFD 2nd Alarm at 3340 5th Street SE – Heavily involved two-story, detached frame house with packrat conditions. Elderly female was rescued from inside but died at hospital.