Cambridge (ON) firefighters that had been at the Linden fire were busy cleaning their trucks and looking forward to dinner plus some much needed rest. Dispatch toned out P 31, 35, Tanker 31, and spare P 38 for a trailer in an attached garage and two houses on fire at 74 Rouse Ave at 17:30. Tanker 31 arrived on scene and confirmed they had a trailer in a garage, and two houses fully involved. All firefighting was defensive from the start.
A 34 cleared the Lindon call and responded to Rouse Ave. There was heavy fire in the rear of both structures with fire through the roof. A 34 setup their aerial, and firefighters pulled numerous lines around the building. It took more than an hour to knock the fire down. Two firefighters were transported to a hospital with heat exhaustion. Damage has been set at $1.5 million.
Photos taken by Box 690 member Dave Westwood who responded to the call from the Linden fire. Photos and video start approximately 20 minutes into the fire. Box 690 served over 200 drinks at this fire, making it a very busy day for the eight members that assisted at both fires.
Kitchener, Ontario P14, P13, A11, R11, Car 123, and Car 124 were dispatched to 111 Traynor Ave for a structure fire April 26, 2020 at 03:05. P14 arrived and reported heavy fire showing from the ‘B’ side of the complex. P14 drove into the park on the ‘B’ side and pulled two 45 mm (1.75”) and one 65 mm (2.5”) line. P13 picked up a hydrant at Wilson and Traynor and laid 1400’ of 100 mm (4”) high vol to P14. P11 was dispatched on the initial report and caught the same hydrant as P13 and laid in 1300’ of 100 mm hose. P11 pulled several 45 mm lines to attack the fire. A11 backed into the main court of the complex behind P11 and setup for tower operations. A11 was fed by a yard hydrant beside their truck.
The fire was through the roof as firefighters were pulling lines and the heavy fire was knocked down in 25 minutes. Crews worked for an additional hour to completely extinguish the fire. Six units were damaged. The fire started at the rear of one of the units and burned up the wall and through the roof. Fire walls and aggressive fire attack limited the fire spread. Damage has been set at $1,000,000, fire prevention officers are investigating the cause. Box 690 provided rehab. Photos and video start 25 minutes into the fire.
Cambridge, Ontario P2, P1, A6, R1, and Car 6 were dispatched to 51 Livingstone Crescent for a dryer fire January 17, at 20:30. The closest station to the call was Station 3 but A3 was on a medical call. P2 arrived and reported some smoke showing and all occupants were out of the building.
P2 pulled a line into the basement reporting heavy smoke, and near zero visibility. A hydrant was picked up as firefighters performed primary searches of the first, second, and third floors while fire attack looked for the source of the fire in the basement. The fire was located at the rear corner of the basement and quickly knocked down. Basement windows were taken out so ventilation could be performed by the attack crew. A3 cleared from their call and command had them return to their station as the fire was knocked down.
Three firefighters were sent to perform a secondary search of the house and while on the second floor they reported the lights had gone out. Within a couple of minutes heavy black smoke was showing from the first and second floor. A minute later both floors flashed over. Two firefighters were able to exit via the stairs while a third had to bail out a second floor window onto the garage roof. He was transported to hospital with second degree burns and wass released the next morning. His gear and SCBA saved his life.
Dave Westwood photo
The entire building was now fully involved, and fire came through the steel roof within minutes. A6 was setup quickly to protect exposures, and A3 was added to the call, ordered to grab another hydrant, and get their aerial up. Large lines were pulled to attack the fire and protect exposures. A third hydrant was pulled from Newport Drive as A6 didn’t have enough water to supply their bucket and lines. A4 and P5 were added to the call necessitating call-in of off-duty crews to staff spare apparatus now that all six stations were on scene.
Gary Dinkel photoGary Dinkel photoGary Dinkel photo
The upper two floors collapsed 30 minutes after the flashover and the fire was brought under control in two hours. One station remained on scene all night, and others are still on scene chasing hot spots. Due to the collapse, firefighters can’t go into the structure to work on fully extinguishing the fire. The Ontario Fire Marshall is on the scene to investigate the cause. Damage is pegged at more than $750,000.
Box 690 provided rehab. My photos and video were shot 25 minutes after the flashover. Box 690 member Dave Westwood’s photos taken immediately after the flashover.
Gary Dinkel
Box 690
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Cambridge Fire Dispatch toned out North Dumfries Fire, Ayr Station for a confirmed barn fire at 3384 Roseville Road July 17 at 17:20. Ayr responded with two 1,250-US-gallon pumpers, two 3,000-US-gallon tankers, and a rescue truck. Enroute to the fire they requested mutual aid tankers from New Dundee (3,000-US-gallons) and Kitchener (2,500-US-gallons). The barn was fully involved on arrival with two exposures; a house and a small driving shed to protect. The owner of the barn had just filled it with hundreds of bales of hay. Port-a-tanks were set up on the road and water was shuttled from a hydrant in Ayr approximately three miles from the scene. Firefighters were able to protect the exposures. Mutual aid tankers were released around 22:00 hours but Ayr had crews on scene until 22:00 the following night. They also responded back to the call almost daily to hose down hot spots until the hay was trucked away 11 days later and buried at a nearby farm. Box 690 provided rehab, serving two dinners, breakfast, and dropping in on a few of the daily returns to the scene. Firefighters consumed 200 drinks and 184 snack items the first night, a very hot and muggy evening. First night photos taken by Box 690 member Dave Westwood, approximately a half hour into the call. My shots were taken the next evening around 20:00.
On May 24 2018 at 19:05, Cambridge, Ontario firefighters had their second general alarm fire in five days. P1, P2, P5, A3, R1, and Car 6 were dispatched to the fire at 515 Hespeler Road. Regional Police advised they had fire showing from the front of the building and roof. P1 arrived and reported heavy fire and smoke showing and requested the next unit pick up the hydrant. The fire was in the front waiting room and a 40’ high sign at the front of the car wash. A4, the last truck left in the city, was added to the call shortly after they cleared a med call.
Kitchener fire was requested for mutual aid to an alarm ringing and Ayr fire was toned out to respond with a pumper to cover the city while overtime crews were being called in. Multiple lines and both aerials were set up to attack the fire. Firefighters were able to keep the fire from spreading into the main building which housed a large car wash, oil change business, and garage. The fire was brought under control in 40 minutes.
Preliminary damage has been set at $250,000. The Ontario Fire Marshal was called to investigate the cause. Early video and photos by Box 690 members Dave Westwood and Nic Murray. Box 690 provided rehab for the fire.
This was the first working fire for a number of new recruits. Cambridge is opening station six in the fall.
Gay Dinkel, Box 690
Dave Westwood photo
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Kitchener, Ontario fire dispatch received multiple calls for smoke coming from a house at 711 Westmount Road, February 3, 2018 at 14:00. P5, P2, A2, R1, and Car 23 were dispatched on the first alarm. P5 reported heavy smoke and flames showing from the roof on arrival. P1 was added to the call on this report. A passerby alerted the occupants that their house was on fire. A new roof was being constructed over the existing roof. The fire started in the void between the two roofs at the chimney for the wood fireplace. The fire was knocked down in 20 minutes with extensive overhaul to the roof. Damage has been set at $300,000.