Here are some shots from a house fire in Maywood, IL at 1200 Orchard 12/21/18. Fire was in a small, 1-sty wood frame house. Also attached is a shot of Maywood’s new E-One ladder truck which was purchased as a demo unit. It isn’t marked up yet but is in service.
Wheeling (IL) firefighters were dispatched for a working fire Saturday evening at 728 River Walk Drive. A neighbor called to report fire on the outside deck of a unit across the communal driveway that appeared to originate from a propane grill and was extending from the second floor deck to the third floor.
A Wheeling police officer evacuated the resident and firefighters made a quick initial hit with an exterior line that knocked down the bulk of the fire within minutes. Companies entered the unit to extinguish fire that had spread to the interior and stopped the fire from entering and taking hold of the attic space. Units from Mt. Prospect, Northbrook, and Arlington Heights assisted the Wheeling companies at the scene.
Photos and videos are from Wes Jurczak, his wife, and Larry Shapiro.