The Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Department (IL) requested MABAS Box 5-371 to the box alarm level for a working fire in a vacant, two-story house on 4/21/23 around 5pm. Heavy smoke and fire was showing from the rear of the house on arrival and command initiated defensive operations only. Tender operations were needed since there were no hydrants in the area.
More photos can be found here:
On April 13th, 2023, the Indianapolis Fire Department had a Box Alarm for a fire in an occupied house @ 725 N Riley Ave on Indy’s Eastside. I live just a few blocks away and made it there with the first company. Fire was in a 2.5-sty, wood-frame with heavy fire in the rear extending up to the attic. Engine 20 stretched a 1.75″ line and made a quick push to the rear. Most of the fire was knocked down within a couple minutes. The full gallery is on our site.
The Algonquin – Lake in the Hills FPD responded to a working fire in a two-story house that was under construction around 10am on 3/28/23 at 517 N Harrison Street. Algonquin-LITH, was assisted at the scene by Crystal Lake & Huntley fire districts with Fox River Grove, Cary, and Barrington Countryside on the change of quarters.
video from the 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, IL – March 18, 2023
The Barrington Countryside FPD was called for a house fire at 93 County Line Road in Barrington Hills late Saturday morning (3-18-23). First arriving units confirmed a house fire and the alarm was upgraded immediately to a MABAS Box Alarm to the 2nd level. The area is without hydrants and a water supply operation was initiated. All residents were out of the house when firefighters arrived.