This fire happened the evening of April 30 about 48th Place just west of Kedzie in Chicago. Companies initially reported an auto fire adjacent to the building but shortly declared a working fire. This was, from what I could tell, a fire resistive structure with concrete floors. The fire involved mattresses and foam padding in a large area of the first floor. Weather conditions were poor … rainfall kept the smoke low and visibility to a minimum. Flash photos were pretty much impossible and both my camera and I got a thorough soaking. The new TL 39 and TL54 were both utilized with the buckets low to the ground to work their streams deep into the first floor. Multiversals and numerous handlines were also utilized. The attack lasted a few hours and cautious interior asessments were conducted in the later stages using TIC and search ropes.
All of the images can be seen here:
Steve Redick

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo