All posts tagged EONE

Buffalo Grove (IL) police officers and firefighters responded to a garage fire at 10:30 this morning at 630 Woodhollow Lane. A header was visible as companies left quarters. Upon arrival, crews had heavy fire blowing out of the garage that communicated into the house and the alarm was upgraded to a Code 4 working fire. They were informed that a person, last known to be in the garage, was unaccounted for. Firefighters attacked the fire and made entry to conduct a search. They encountered heavy fire and high heat, and were able to knock down the bulk of the fire within about 30 minutes. The missing person did not survive the fire. 

#firescenes.net; #larryshapiro.tumblr.com; #shapirophotography.net; #larryshapiroblog.com; #larryshapiro.tumblr.com; #fatalfire; #BuffaloGroveFD; #firescene; #smoke; #flames; #firefighters;
Larry Shapiro photo
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Larry Shapiro photo
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Larry Shapiro photo
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Larry Shapiro photo
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Larry Shapiro photo
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Larry Shapiro photo

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Naugatuck, CT multiple alarm factory fire

09/25/23 Naugatuck, CT – Firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke issuing from a large, two-story mill building and companies immediately went defensive. Additional alarms were transmitted bringing surrounding towns to the scene. Firefighters had trouble throughout the firefight due to a lack of hydrants and water in the area. Access was also troublesome due to narrow roadways and railroad tracks fronting the building. Three aerials and multiple master streams operated to bring the fire under control in three hours. At the height of the fire, the number-one side wall collapsed into the street causing train traffic to be briefly halted. The cause of the fire is under investigation. An emergency demolition was ordered due to the damage sustained.
Glenn Duda

#firescenes.net; #NaugatuckFD; #allhandsworking.com; #GlennDuda; #warehousefire;
Glenn Duda photo
#firescenes.net; #NaugatuckFD; #allhandsworking.com; #GlennDuda; #warehousefire;
Glenn Duda photo
#firescenes.net; #NaugatuckFD; #allhandsworking.com; #GlennDuda; #warehousefire;
Glenn Duda photo
#firescenes.net; #NaugatuckFD; #allhandsworking.com; #GlennDuda; #warehousefire;
Glenn Duda photo

East Granby, CT had a 3-Alarm fire on arrival for a house at 195 N. Main St engulfed by flames on 7/16/23 at 23:02. The family dog woke the residents up. This was the second multi-alarm of fire of the day for them, a department that does about 250 calls a year.

Patrick Dooley

#firescenes.net; #EastGranbyCT; #PatrickDooley; #squadfirephotos; #flames; #housefire;
Patrick Dooley photo
#firescenes.net; #EastGranbyCT; #PatrickDooley; #squadfirephotos; #flames; #housefire;
Patrick Dooley photo
#firescenes.net; #EastGranbyCT; #PatrickDooley; #squadfirephotos; #FireTruck;
Patrick Dooley photo
#firescenes.net; #EastGranbyCT; #PatrickDooley; #squadfirephotos; #flames; #housefire;
Patrick Dooley photo
#firescenes.net; #EastGranbyCT; #PatrickDooley; #squadfirephotos; #flames; #housefire;
Patrick Dooley photo
#firescenes.net; #EastGranbyCT; #PatrickDooley; #squadfirephotos; #flames; #housefire;
Patrick Dooley photo
#firescenes.net; #EastGranbyCT; #PatrickDooley; #squadfirephotos; #FireTruck; #EONE; #EONEStrength;
Patrick Dooley photo

Two-part video from the Working fire in Palatine, IL – March 19, 2023

Palatine (IL) firefighters responded for a report of smoke on the third floor of an apartment building at 12 E Dundee Quarter late Sunday afternoon (3-19-23).  Palatine police officers reported smoke and then flames from the roof and the response was upgraded to a Code 4 working fire.

Palatine crews made an interior attack with two lines on the third floor and performed searches of the building. Unable to get ahead of the volume of fire overhead and in the mansard roof in addition to deteriorating conditions, firefighters were evacuated from the building to transition to a defense attack. As personnel was exiting the building, a Mayday was called by a firefighter on a balcony that was unable to exit via the interior. He successfully descended a ground ladder.

The fire circumvented the fire wall and eventually made it’s way into the adjacent building which sustained heavy damage to the roof and third floor. There were multiple collapses of the original building.

Palatine Tower 85, Buffalo Grove Tower 25, and Arlington Heights Tower 1 all deployed master streams. 

#firescenes.net; #larryshapiro; #shapirophotography.net; #PalatineFD; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #massivesmoke; #flames; #fireball;
A fireball erupts from a third floor unit. Larry Shapiro photo
#firescenes.net; #larryshapiro; #shapirophotography.net; #PalatineFD; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #massivesmoke;
Massive smoke before the mansard collapses. Larry Shapiro photo
#firescenes.net; #larryshapiro; #shapirophotography.net; #PalatineFD; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #massivesmoke;
Smoke billows from the attic space. Larry Shapiro photo
#firescenes.net; #larryshapiro; #shapirophotography.net; #PalatineFD; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #firefighters;
A firefighter that had briefly been trapped on an upper balcony. Larry Shapiro photo
#firescenes.net; #larryshapiro; #shapirophotography.net; #PalatineFD; #apartmentfire; #DundeeQuarter; #massivesmoke; #flames;
Flames engulf a third floor unit. Larry Shapiro photo

Here are some images taken at the Good Friday fire at Antioch Baptist Church in Chicago. The fire went to a 3-11. I was on the scene within 5 minutes and was able to catch the early progression of the incident that was caused by workers using a propane torch on the roof.

#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD; #chicagoareafire.com; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #firescenes.net
Eric Haak photo
#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD; #chicagoareafire.com; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #firescenes.net
Eric Haak photo
#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD; #chicagoareafire.com; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #firescenes.net
Eric Haak photo
#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD; #chicagoareafire.com; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #firescenes.net
Eric Haak photo
#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD; #chicagoareafire.com; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #firescenes.net; #EONE; #EONEStrength
Eric Haak photo
#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD; #chicagoareafire.com; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #firescenes.net
Eric Haak photo