Here are some images from Sunday morning’s 2-11 on the West Side of Chicago. Engine 117 and the tower arrived and found heavy fire in the rear and in the attic of a 2.5 story balloon frame. Battalion 18 quickly requested a Still & Box and 2-2-4 requested a 2-11 a short time later. The fire got into the D-side exposure building but that structure was largely saved by the companies operating on scene. Tower 14 and Squad 2 worked elevated master streams, and several handlines were utilized as well.
At 0715 hrs this morning (1/8), the Chicago Fire Department was called to 4734 W. Huron for a fire in a 20×70, 2.5-sty frame apartment building. Engine 117 landed less than a minute after being dispatched and confirmed they had a fire. Battalion 18 arrived on scene moments later and reported back porches that had extended into the first and second floor of the original fire building with the “D” side exposure also involved and asked for a still & box. The alarm would eventually be elevated to a 2-11. Temperatures were once again in the single digits this morning. Eric Haak
Chicago had a fire in a vacant house at 4620 W Superior around 2200 hours on 11/26/16. Three lines were led out and the roof was opened by T26. The 20×20 frame garage burned completely to the ground and companies had heavy fire inside the home on arrival.
Images from Eric Haak of the Still & Box Alarm with an EMS Plan I at 4921 W. Potomac Avenue on 7/31/16 where four CFD firefighters were injured and a Mayday Alert was issued.
Here are some shots from a Still & Box yesterday morning on Lorel in Chicago.. Companies were dispatched to a still @ 1030 N. Lorel, while enroute, the Main Fire Alarm Office made it a full still. Tower 14 arrived and had heavy fire showing from the 2nd floor. Engine 117 backed down and initially used their deck gun. Companies were mainly defensive at this fire.