Cambridge Ontario dispatch received a 911 call from A&P Auto Wreckers at 2155 Main St reporting a fire on their property May 5 at 21:15. Four of the five Cambridge stations including the tanker were dispatched to the call on the east side of town bordering North Dumfries Township. P5 reported a thermal column as they left their Main Street fire hall approximately 1.5 miles from the wrecking yard, and asked for two additional tankers (North Dumfries Township). T
here are two large wrecking yards on the property and access to the fire was difficult. Once a gate was opened, workers on scene were asked to move scrap cars to allow A4 access to the fire. P5 set up for drafting while A4 dropped a supply line and set up for tower and hand line operations. Crews had to cut a 10 foot high fence to gain access to the scrap metal that was on fire. A large shed was their first priority to protect. Additional tankers were called from Breslau (Woolwich Township), and two tankers from Puslinch (Wellington County). Tankers filled up at a hydrant on Main St approximately a mile from the fire. Additional foam was brought in from Cambridge HQ. North Dumfries P4 with a full crew was dispatched at 22:15 for additional manpower.
It took over two hours to bring the fire under control. Once the main body of fire was knocked down, heavy equipment was used to break up the piles of metal to fully extinguish the fire. All mutual aid departments were released by 00:30, Cambridge kept a crew on scene for most of the night. Box 690 was on scene for three hours providing rehab.
Gary Dinkel, Box 690

Initial fire attack, protect exposure building on left, and keep the fire contained to the right. The second larger wrecking yard was just 20 feet from the fire. Gary Dinkel photo

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Cambridge crews rehabbing at Rescue 1. Cool night, steam comes off one of the firefighters cooling down. Gary Dinkel photo

Puslinch 2,500 imperial gallon tanker. Gary Dinkel photo

Magnesium exploding. Gary Dinkel photo

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Gary Dinkel photo