Here are some images depicting air drops from the rotary-wing aircraft . Included are a Sikorsky Firehawk, a Super Huey Bell Helicopter, and two Bell 205s.

Three helicopters visible in the queue for water drops. Larry Shapiro photo

A Bell 205 makes a drop. Larry Shapiro photo

A Sikorsky Firehawk about to make a drop. Larry Shapiro photo

A Bell 205 with a full bucket approaching the drop site. Larry Shapiro photo

A helicopter heading into the smoke to make a drop. Larry Shapiro photo

One of the helicopters returning to refill. Larry Shapiro photo

A Huey making a water drop. Larry Shapiro photo

A helicopter near the ridge line makes a drop as two others circle back to refill. A fixed-wing tanker in the distance is gong to make a drop in another sector. Larry Shapiro photo