wildland firefighters

All posts tagged wildland firefighters

A 2-Alarm brush fire at the Illinois Beach State Park in Zion, IL … in the Beach Park Fire Protection District.

wild land fire truck crew carrier

Tim Olk photo

large flames and heavy smoke at big prairie fire

Tim Olk photo

ATV at brush fire

Tim Olk photo

large flames and heavy smoke at big prairie fire

Tim Olk photo

large flames and heavy smoke at big prairie fire

Tim Olk photo

large flames and heavy smoke at big prairie fire

Tim Olk photo

ATV at brush fire

Tim Olk photo

large flames and heavy smoke at big prairie fire

Tim Olk photo

large flames and heavy smoke at big prairie fire

Tim Olk photo

large flames and heavy smoke at big prairie fire

Tim Olk photo

Just a week prior they were conducting a large prescribed burn at this state park.

Images and a brief video from Tim Olk of a burn conducted at the Illinois Beach State Park in Zion (IL) 3/18/15.

prescribed burn in a prairie

Tim Olk photo

prescribed burn in a prairie

Tim Olk photo

prescribed burn in a prairie

Tim Olk photo

prescribed burn in a prairie

Tim Olk photo

prescribed burn in a prairie

Tim Olk photo

prescribed burn in a prairie

Tim Olk photo

Illinois Beach State Park prescribed burn 3-18-15 Tim Olk video

A prescribed burn at the Busse Woods nature Preserve in Elk Grove Village, IL 3/31/15.

large flames and thick smoke from prescribed prairie burn

Larry Shapiro photo

prescribed prairie burn

Larry Shapiro photo

wildland firefighter at prairie burn using a drip torch

Larry Shapiro photo

wildland firefighter at prairie burn using a drip torch

Larry Shapiro photo

wildland firefighter at prairie burn

Larry Shapiro photo

wildland firefighter at prairie burn

Larry Shapiro photo

A large gallery of images is at shapirophotography.net