video from the 3-Alarm fire in Wellesley, ON – May 27, 2018
Mack Thibault fire engine
All posts tagged Mack Thibault fire engine

Gary Dinkel photo
Kitchener fire dispatch toned out Wellesley and St Clements fire departments to a confirmed structure fire at 3648 Nafziger Road in the Village of Wellesley, May 27, 2018 at 12:35. The Wellesley deputy chief was first on the air. Dispatch advised they had had eight calls on the fire and the phone was ringing in the background. The deputy reported smoke showing from his residence a few blocks away and requested Linwood and Box 690 and the second alarm. Once on scene he reported fire through the roof of an apartment building and requested a third alarm for a full turnout from Wilmot Township Baden station, and New Hamburg’s aerial. Two hydrants were picked up, one by Wellesley’s pumper and the other by Linwood’s pumper. St Clements’ pumper set up down the road at the dam and relay pumped to New Hamburg’s aerial. Multiple lines were stretched around the building to attack the fire. The fire spread through the roof to the front of the building. All firefighting was defensive. Crews were able to do primary searches of the main floor and basement at the rear of the building, and all three levels of the front building before being pulled out. The temperature with the humidity factored in was 92 F. Crews were rotated through rehab to cool down with cooling towels, Kore cooling chairs, and freezies along with 271 cold drinks. The fire was knocked down in two hours. The Ontario Fire Marshall was called in to investigate the fire as the damage will exceed $500,000. Box 690 was on scene four hours providing rehab to the more than 50 firefighters.
Units on scene:
Wellesley Township
Wellesley Station, Pump 3, Rescue 3, Aerial 3
St Clements Station, Pump 2, Rescue 2, Tanker 2
Linwood Station, Pump 1, Rescue 1, Tanker 1
Wilmot Township
Baden Station, Pump 1, Pump 2, Rescue 7, Tanker 5, Tanker 6
New Hamburg Station, Aerial 39
Box 690
Gary Dinkel, Box 690
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Wellesley Township Ontario firefighters worked a wood pile/mulch pile fire at 5051 Streicher Line, March 26 2018 at 14:50. Wellesley and Linwood responded with a full response and St Clements with their tanker. Water was initially drawn from a fire department reservoir two miles from the scene. Once command determined they were going to use more water than the reservoir held (20,000 imperial gallons), Linwood Pump 1 repositioned to a hydrant beside the Wellesley station, approximately five miles from the fire. Wellesley set up their aerial to drench the pile. A high reach was used to pull the pile apart. Crews were on scene over two hours, Box 690 provided rehab. Photos and video shot 40 minutes into the fire during overhaul.
Gary Dinkel, Box 690

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Gary Dinkel photo
St Clements and Linwood (On) were dispatched for a structure fire at Broadway Metals, 3002 Broadway Street November 26 2017 at 22:00. Dispatch reported tires on fire beside the building. St Clements requested Wellesley’s tanker on route to the call. Pump 2 arrived on scene reporting heavy fire on the E3 side of the building with possible extension into the office. P2 set up for drafting and pulled multiple lines. Linwood P1 set up at the fire department reservoir located on the E1 – E4 side of the building. A four-inch line was deployed to the rear of the building from P1 and a portable hydrant was set up. Multiple lines were run off the portable hydrant. Command reported multiple double stacked skids with rubber dock bumpers on fire below grade beside the building. St Clements firefighters reported minor extension into the attic of the business. Command requested Wellesley’s aerial and rescue respond with manpower. The heavy fire was knocked down in 25 minutes with overhaul taking another couple of hours. The Ontario Fire Marshal was called in to investigate the suspicious fire. Box 690 provided rehab for 3.5 hours, our second fire that day. Members got to bed at 2 am and half an hour later were out to the Ellis Road fire in Wellington County, photos posted back in November. Photos taken 25 minutes into the fire.
Gary Dinkel, Box 690

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Gary Dinkel photo
Conestoga College pre firefighter students and Wellesley Township firefighters burned a house down 19 April 2013. The annual event gives students a chance for some hands-on firefighting in a rural setting. All firefighting is strictly exterior, supervised by career firefighters and trainers. Water was supplied from a creek located at the front of the property, approximately 600 feet from the house. Box 690 provided rehab and lunch for the 40 firefighters and students on scene.
Gary Dinkel, Box 690

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