More from the archives of Eric Haak in Chicago
The images seen here were taken on Chicago’s West Side in August, 2009. I was only a half mile away from this incident when Chicago’s Main Fire Alarm Office dispatched companies. I unfortunately did not hear the address correctly and went north instead of south which took me nearly a mile in the wrong direction. I realized my error when Engine 44 reported a large 3-flat with heavy fire blowing out the windows on 2 and 3 and then saw a large header in my rear view mirror. I recovered in time to still get some good shots, although I practically cry every time I think about what could have been. This fire was on the 1000 block of North Lawndale in the West Humboldt Park neighborhood.

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo

Eric Haak photo