Fire wise, Rhode Island is fairly busy. We are also about an hour’s ride to Boston and GPS says exactly three hours from my house to Times Square in NYC. I go to Boston almost every week and NYC as many times as my schedule allows.
Last Thursday night, my daughter and I spent the night in Manhattan with plans to go to the Today Show concert on Friday morning. Just as we were getting into the city, a phone alarm went out for a fire on or near the 45th floor of a high rise on West 31st Street. Nothing was immediately visible but a 10-77 (signal for a working fire in a residential high-rise) was transmitted when smoke began to show. Companies found a fire in one apartment on the 45th floor of a 60-story building. The building was on the same block as the quarters of Engine 1 and Ladder 24. The fire was under control as we arrived.
Photos from this incident are on my site,
Tom Carmody

Tom Carmody photo

Tom Carmody photo

Tom Carmody photo

Tom Carmody photo