Citizens Truck Company #4

All posts tagged Citizens Truck Company #4

Frederick City units were toned out for a structure fire box (in Box area 2) Wednesday evening.  Firefighters arrived to find smoke in the building and quickly had the situation under control.  Units from the Citizens Truck Company #4, Junior Fire Company #2, United Fire #3, Independent #1 and Fort Detrick responded.  Here are some apparatus shots.  This box was directly across the street from Frederick Memorial Hospital on West 7th St. in Frederick City.

Truck 4 company was running their Seagrave ’42’ tiller unit this evening.


Trevor James

Seagrave TDA tractor-drawn aerial in MD

Trevor James photo

Seagrave TDA tractor-drawn aerial in MD

Trevor James photo

firemen repack hose after fighting fire

Trevor James photo

fire department rescue squad

Trevor James photo

Seagrave TDA tractor-drawn aerial in MD

Trevor James photo

Pierce fire engine

Trevor James photo

firemen at a fire scene

Trevor James photo

More photos from the scene can be viewed on my Flickr account: