The Cambridge Ontario fire department dispatched A3, P2, P1, P5, R1, and Car 6 for a possible structure fire at 509 Speedsville Road May 20 2018, at 19:45. A3 arrived on scene and reported a large, two-story, stone building with fire on the second floor, and defensive firefighting only. The area has limited hydrants, but one was right in front of the property. Two 4” lines were connected to the hydrant to feed A3 and P2. Water pressure was very low so a portable pump was set up in the Speed River approximately 250’ from the fire to augment water supply. A4, the last truck in the city was added to the call once they cleared a med call.
Additional firefighters were called in to staff spare equipment and were rotated to the fire over the course of the night. P5 reverse laid approximately 1200 feet of 4” hose to a second hydrant and relay pumped to A4 once they arrived and set up. Multiple lines were pulled to attack the fire from three sides. Both aerials flowed water once the fire broke through the roof. The second floor had two apartments and storage rooms that were loaded with household materials and furniture. Firefighters worked for hours before bringing the fire under control at 1:30. A3 and A4 were repositioned around 1:00. P2, P1 and P5 cleared the scene over the next couple of hours. Crews were rotated back to the fire over the next nine hours. Box 690 provided rehab.
Photos and videos were taken 20 minutes into the call after running off a nearby golf course to get to the fire.
Gary Dinkel, Box 690
In the following days, a female has been charged with arson for the fire.
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