Anne Arundel County Fire Department units were alerted to an electrical burning odor in a commercial business structure on Friday. Upon arrival, units discovered high levels of carbon monoxide, spot fires and water leakage throughout the complex and surrounding terrain, and a second alarm was struck bringing more engine and truck companies to the scene as well as the Anne Arundel Alarmers Association ( Fire & Police support unit.
An underground utility fire was contained, units performed ventilation and had the incident under control within 4 hours. No injuries were reported.
Here are some scene photos from Anne Arundel PIO Russ Davies, and a bystander Jennifer Holtzapple who were both on the scene early. I took a bunch of apparatus shots when the crews were packing up and going back into service.
Anne Arundel Fire has some interesting apparatus including the air wagon which has a new cab mounted on the same E-One body used on past versions from as far back as 30 years. Attached are two photos of the wagon, one from yesterday that I took and one taken by John Floyd II from his archives, when the body was mounted to a 1974 IHC L-1800 Loadstar cab. You’ll also notice the abundance of other E-One apparatus on the Anne Arundel roster.
Anne Arundel 1st Alert has a video report of the incident here:
Trevor James
Trevor James Fire Scene Photography
More photos can be viewed on my Flickr account here: