A 33-year-old male was critically injured in a two-car MVC in the 1700 block of Sidneys Road near Sunshine Lane Wednesday afternoon 31-August at 12:38. The accident occurred about three miles north of Walterboro (SC). Apparently a Cadillac turned into the path of a small SUV causing a “T” impact into the driver’s side. There was over two feet of intrusion, heavily entrapping the driver.
The man received critical multiple traumatic injuries. Colleton County (SC) Firefighter-Paramedics began treatment while he was still trapped in the car. Crews used the winch from Battalion 1 to move the SUV from the side of the Cadillac, then used Holmatro rescue tools to remove the driver’s door and displace the dash in order to free the driver. His condition rapidly deteriorated and he stopped breathing shortly after the extrication was complete.
Due to his unstable condition, he was rapidly transported in Fire-Rescue Medic 1 to Colleton Medical Center (CMC) with two additional firefighter-paramedics assisting with his care. The driver of the SUV was also treated at the scene and transported with non-life threatening injuries to CMC in Medic 19. Sidneys Road in the area of the accident was blocked for over an hour. The SC Hwy Patrol is investigating the crash.
Engine 19, Medic 1, Medic 19, Rescue 1, Battalion 1, Car 105, Car 107, Car 117 and Car 119 responded. Battalion Chief Ben Heape served as Incident Commander.
Barry W. McRoy, Fire Chief , Colleton County Fire-Rescue

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Barry W. McRoy photo

Barry W. McRoy photo

Barry W. McRoy photo

Barry W. McRoy photo