firefighter faces after battling a fire

All posts tagged firefighter faces after battling a fire

 A house fire (1/10/15) at 5722 S. Whipple in Chicago.

Tim Olk

fireman after battling a fire

Tim Olk photo

fireman after battling a fire

Tim Olk photo

firemen after battling a fire

Tim Olk photo

house on fire with smoke

Tim Olk photo

fireman after battling a fire

Tim Olk photo

house on fire with smoke

Tim Olk photo

house on fire with smoke with fire truck

Tim Olk photo

fireman after battling a fire

Tim Olk photo

house on fire with smoke

Tim Olk photo

fireman after battling a fire

Tim Olk photo

house on fire with smoke

Tim Olk photo

house on fire with smoke

Tim Olk photo