Kitchener, Ontario fire dispatch toned out St Clements and Wellesley for a confirmed structure fire at 3482 Hessen Strasse at 14:55. The St Clements district chief asked for details on the call and requested a second alarm, a full response from Linwood. Shop workers were using a blow torch to remove some metal fixtures from the wall. They noticed smoke coming from the walls and evacuated the sand blasting business and called 911. St Clements arrived on scene reporting smoke showing. Water was initially used from tankers, and then a 4” line was dropped from a fire department 50,000 gallon cistern located 600 feet down the laneway. The fire was contained to the wall and a small portion of the attic. Overhaul took 2.5 hours pulling the siding down, and clearing cellulose insulation from the attic. Photos taken 30 minutes into the call. Box 690 provided rehab.
Kitchener (ON) fire dispatch received a call for smoke coming from the vents of a house at Lobsinger Line and Green Hills Road. Linwood and Wellesley stations were toned out on the first alarm January 11 at 14:00. A volunteer firefighter was just down the road at the township office and was on scene in two minutes reporting a working fire. St Clements Station was toned out on the second alarm as well as Box 690 at 14:04.
Crews found fire in the basement and main floor with extension up to the second floor walls. No one was home and the fire was knocked down in an hour. Extensive overhaul needed on all three floors.
Photos taken an hour into the fire when I arrived on scene with the Canteen Truck. Two Box 690 members had rehab set up by 14:30 from their personal vehicles. Approximately 25 firefighters on scene with three rescues, three pumpers, three tankers, and a 82’ quint. Water was shuttled from a nearby cistern at a local church.