Shortly after midnight (Monday morning), a CPD patrol car radioed in a fire at 5757 S. Hermitage stating that fire was blowing out of the front window. Only being 4 blocks from the address Josh & I took in the fire. We arrived just ahead of Engine 116 to find fire blowing out of the 1st floor front room and extending up the front of the 2-1/2, 25×50 frame. Engine 116 lead out a line to the front and hit the main body of fire from the outside while Tower 39 went to the roof for ventilation. Engine 123 backed down to Tower 39 and was setup to use their deck gun, but that order was canceled.
Great job by companies in knocking down this fire fast. This area of Hermitage has homes butted up to each other on the sides and this could have gotten out of control quickly.
Dennis McGuire, Jr.

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo

Josh Boyajian photo