night fire scene photos

All posts tagged night fire scene photos

Shortly after midnight (Monday morning), a CPD patrol car radioed in a fire at 5757 S. Hermitage stating that fire was blowing out of the front window. Only being 4 blocks from the address Josh & I took in the fire. We arrived just ahead of Engine 116 to find fire blowing out of the 1st floor front room and extending up the front of the 2-1/2, 25×50 frame. Engine 116 lead out a line to the front and hit the main body of fire from the outside while Tower 39 went to the roof for ventilation. Engine 123 backed down to Tower 39 and was setup to use their deck gun, but that order was canceled.

Great job by companies in knocking down this fire fast. This area of Hermitage has homes butted up to each other on the sides and this could have gotten out of control quickly.

Dennis McGuire, Jr.

house fire at night in Chicago

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Josh Boyajian photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Josh Boyajian photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Josh Boyajian photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Josh Boyajian photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Josh Boyajian photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Josh Boyajian photo

house fire at night in Chicago

Josh Boyajian photo

more images at:

East Hartford, CT had this 3rd alarm at 15 Bell Ct. on 10/4/14 @0630. Members made numerous rescues via ground ladders with people jumping as well. 5 civilians were transported to local hospitals.

Stay safe,

Patrick Dooley


smokey fire scene photo

Patrick Dooley photo

fire blows out a window with fireman working on a ladder

Patrick Dooley photo

fire blows out a window with firemen moving a ground ladder

Patrick Dooley photo

fire blows out a window with firemen working=ing

Patrick Dooley photo

fire blows out a window

Patrick Dooley photo

fire trucks at fire scene

Patrick Dooley photo

More pictures at

I came across this burn down by the Crown Point (IN) Fire Department the other night (9-29-14) as I was driving along I65. It didn’t take me long to get to the site from the highway, but the structure had already collapsed. Nonetheless, I couldn’t pass a building on fire without stopping to take some photos.

They had just completed three days of training scenarios in this house.

fire engine at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

firemen with hose line and burning house

Larry Shapiro photo

house destroyed by flames

Larry Shapiro photo

fireman with hose line and burning house

Larry Shapiro photo

water spray from fire hose at night

Larry Shapiro photo

More images are at

Newport Township FPD in Wadsworth, IL responded to a 4,000 sq ft home that was well-involved on arrival at about 4:30 this morning (9/24/14). The home was located in an area with out hydrants, so the alarm was upgraded quickly to bring many water tankers (tenders) from northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin.

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

large house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Tim Olk photo

Buffalo Grove firefighters were called to 1062 Harvard Lane in the early morning hours of September 6th for smoke in the house. The area had been hit hard earlier in the day by a fast moving storm that knocked out power to many homes including this one. Thick black smoke met the first arriving companies who quickly found a small fire in the basement, but not before the entire house was charged with smoke. Here are a few images and a short video from the scene

firefighters mask up at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

firefighters mask up at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

firefighters mask up at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

While returning from the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, I was on the Edens Expressway when Morton Grove was dispatched to a reported house fire at  5845 W. Keeney. The response was upgraded to the Code 4 working fire before units arrived based on a report by police that there was a confirmed fire.

I arrived shortly after the first companies that had already made entry. The fire had burned through the first floor roof of the small split-level house but was extinguished quickly. Here are a few images from the scene.

smoke from night house fore

Larry Shapiro photo

fire truck at night

Larry Shapiro photo

smoke from night house fore

Larry Shapiro photo

firemen work at house fire at night

Larry Shapiro photo

house fire at night

Larry Shapiro photo

A house fire in Oak Park, IL communicated to a four-story apartment building next door during the morning house of September 3. The incident went to 3 alarms. Images by Dave Traiforos

apartment building on fire at night

Dave Traiforos photo

apartment building on fire at night

Dave Traiforos photo

apartment building on fire at night

Dave Traiforos photo

house on fire at night

Dave Traiforos photo

apartment building on fire at night

Dave Traiforos photo

apartment building on fire at night

Dave Traiforos photo

apartment building on fire at night

Dave Traiforos photo

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