Chi-Town Fire Photos

All posts tagged Chi-Town Fire Photos

On Wednesday afternoon (7/6/22), we followed a column of smoke and came upon a well-involved 3-sty newly constructed house @ 910 N Wood, extending to 912 N Wood in Chicago. This home was under construction at the time of the fire, and appeared to be receiving spray foam insulation. Engine 30 arrived and deck-gunned the front of the house, while Engine 14 backed down the alley and deck-gunned the rear. In all, six hand lines were in use with the two deck guns. Heavy fire consumed the attic space of the exposure house to the north. CFD did a great job and brought it under control quickly. Here are some shots from the fire. Full gallery is on our site.; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #firescene; #CFD; #ChicagoFireDepartment;
Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #firescene; #CFD; #ChicagoFireDepartment; #ChicagoFDEngine 30; #EONE; #EONEStrength
Chi-Town Fire Photos

Made it to a scrap yard fire at 4430 W 14th Street in Chicago. Engine 103 was first in as they were on a COQ at 38’s house while 38 was at a fire in the 1400 blk of Avers. Engine 113 went in-line pumping to feed 103 and Squad 1 to get a knock on this pile of scrap. Companies on the Still were Engines 103 & 113, Trucks 19 & 26, Squad 1, Battalion 18, & 2-2-4.  

#Chi-TownFirePhotos; #CFD; #ChicagoFD; #firescene;
Chi-Town Fire Photos

Last night Battalion 19 got a run for a working fire @ 5845 s Carpenter. Engine 116 arrived to find a 2-sty RED-X gray-stone with heavy fire showing from the 2nd floor. 116 deck gunned it on arrival, and lead out two 2.5s along with Engines 84 and 50. Crews were defensive for a while and then made entry to mop up and hit hot spots. The full gallery is on our site

flames engulf vacant building at night
Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Sunday night I made it to a fire in the 18th Battalion on Chicago’s westside at 1521 S Kilbourn. Engine 38 arrived to find a 2.5 sty ordinary vacant building completely boarded up with fire on all floors. Companies had forcible entry issues with steel bars behind the boarded up doors. Once the crews finally made entry, they encountered heavy fire and could not make a push. Battalion 18 ordered companies to go defensive and pulled a box. Both Engine 38 and Engine 113 (First companies) had frozen hydrants on Kilbourn. Engine 99 (3rd due) found a good hydrant a block to the East and fed Engine 38. Engine 95 came up the rear in the alley and deck gunned it. 95’s hydrant guy used 200′ of 4″ and broke down a fence and stretched to a midblock hydrant on Kenneth. Full gallery is on our site

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massive flames engulf vacant house at night
Chi-Town Fire Photos

I attended a Still & Box overnight at 2020 W Webster in the Bucktown neighborhood. Companies originally reported fire in the rear of this 1.5 story residence, and were interior making a good push. However, the cold wind soon took hold of the attic space and heavy fire conditions evolved. All companies were pulled out, Tower 21 was moved to Side A, and knocked the fire with their aerial master stream. Companies went back in to mop up.

Chi-Town Fire Photos

There is a full gallery viewable here:

Flames through roof of a house fire at night
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Flames through roof of a house fire at night
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Flames through roof of a house fire at night
Chi-Town Fire Photos
#EONEStrength; #E-ONECyclone;
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Firefighters putting on SCBA at scene
Chi-Town Fire Photos

I took a short ride into the city and went to a working fire in the 20th Battalion at 1502 W 79th Street. Companies had a 3-sty ordinary, vacant building with a fire on the 2nd floor. Engines 129 and 101 lead out lines and Truck 50 & 41 members made the roof. I arrived right after the first-in company. The full gallery is on my site. 

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago fire scene
Chi-Town Fire Photos

Oak Park, IL had an extra alarm fire at 1034 Lake Street. A big, old 3.5-sty ordinary taxpayer building. Sounds like fire started in the rear on the first floor, and just took off. First-in companies Boxed it on arrival and found heavy fire throughout the 3-sty enclosed back porches. Fire had already entered the building on the upper floors and in the cockloft. Companies made numerous attempts at an aggressive interior attack but were pushed back by high heat and smoke on the 3rd floor. The incident ended up going to a 2nd Alarm and went completely defensive.

Chi-Town Fire Photos

#EONEStrength; #E-ONE; #FireTruck; #OakParkFD
Chi-Town Fire Photos